PS Vita !

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PS Vita !

Post by poluxplop007 »

After hours of negotiating with my wife :), I booked the model of the wifi ps vita, she released February 22 in my country.
With this reservation, I had the right to a Gift Voucher of 50 €, booking pack sony + BigBen starter pack.
I had to sell an arm because it costed me 250€ anyway :)
I'll probably take me a 16GB card because I think buy dematerialized games, especially since I learned this morning that some games would cost less than 15€ on PSN (Escape Plan 12.99€, MotorStorm RC 5.99€, Super Stardust: Delta 7.99€).
For once to have the right to correct price for games in general in my country (France) we often have on the price of games that are generally much higher when other countries because they are very heavily taxed.
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Re: PS Vita !

Post by Hunter27 »

I’ve always been a pretty huge fan of anything PS, software wise. However given the track record of the PS1,2, and three I’m not such a big fan of the hardware. I’ve purchased all three of those systems at launch only to be disappointed by some unforeseen hardware failure. The problems in the hardware always gets corrected a year or two after the initial release.

That said, I think I’m going to wait and see what happens before I make any decisions about buying anything made by Sony.

None the less, I fear we may not hear from polux until April or so lol :D

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Re: PS Vita !

Post by poluxplop007 »

For the moment i don't have any problem with my ps1,2 and psp, so i hope no problem with my psvita :p
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