Current situation of porn production in Russia

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Re: Current situation of porn production in Russia

Post by talotaror »

It was written 2 September 2012 and the law became effective 29 August 2012. Now we have 24 May 2013 and I don't notice a crisis in the Russian's porn, but maybe there is a little less movies than before, what do you think?

Do you think or maybe know nowadays scenes are recorded in Russia? Do you have maybe some good websites or blogs with information about porn industry (or just anything about porn exclude porn movies)? I would love to read about statistics in porn, some interviews with actresses, just anything :) especially about Russia. I was searching something in Google, but only porn movies are displayed... ;)

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Re: Current situation of porn production in Russia

Post by talotaror »

Yeah, when I thought about it and I think you are right. It seems to be less movies than before. I think 2008-2010 years was the best years in Russian porn, maybe I'm wrong.

I have found quite interesting information about Wiska. It is about Ukraine, but this country is a little related with Russia (if we are talking about government and culture).

"Ukrainian porn star refused asylum in EU

Anastasia Grishay, 27, was refused asylum in the Czech Republic after she fled criminal charges for producing and distributing pornography in Ukraine. Now the woman and her three kids are obliged to leave Czech Republic before Dec. 18.

Grishay, better known under her nickname Wiska, had a rather successful career in the porn business. Born in Gomel in Belarus, she grew up in the southern Ukrainian city of Feodosia. It was there that she met her husband Alexander Kondratenko, who suggested that particular line of work.

She claims her first porn shooting took place in Russia in 2004, where she was paid $500 per week, considerable money for Ukraine at that time.

In her interviews, she says she had to start doing adult movies to support her little son Alexander when her husband went to prison for burning a car, but notes that her husband had proposed such jobs earlier. Between 2004 and 2008 Grishay, nicknamed Wiska, starred in over 40 films, including at least one movie with Italian adult movie star Rocco Siffredi.

Porn business in Ukraine generally doesn't go public, but Grishay played it differently. At the peak of her career in 2008 she and her husband gave several interviews to Ukrainian media, speaking about their family and Grishay’s porn career.

Together with popularity, it brought couple some unwanted attention from Verkhovna Rada deputies. In 2010 a group of deputies headed by Communist Party member Leonid Grach appealed to the Prosecutor General claiming that Grishay and her husband were corrupting society. The deputies were especially worried by the fact that Grishay spoke openly about her earnings, making porn production look like “normal and, moreover, profitable business.”

A criminal investigation started, and the couple was questioned by police twice before they decided to leave Ukraine to avoid being arrested. Grishay and Kondratenko escaped to Czech Republic.

Being interviewed by Ukrainian media recently, Kondratenko claimed that his wife stopped doing porn after giving birth to her second son, Oscar. Now the couple has three children. Grishay revealed in her interviews that her main fear is that her children will be taken away from her if she comes back to Ukraine.

Last week Grishay, now living in Prague with her children, was officially refused of asylum.

“They (Czech Republic's foreign ministry) says that there is no criminal case against us in Ukraine. I think they were just lied to (by Ukraine’s officials),” Kondratenko told Ukrainian 1+1 TV station.

Grishay herself told 1+1 by phone that she doesn’t give interviews to Ukrainian media anymore as she isn’t going to live in Ukraine.

She did speak to journalists on Dec. 6 during her topless protest near the building of the Czech Republic’s parliament. She was supported by FEMEN protest group, although FEMEN activists didn’t undress this time, leaving the spotlight on Grishay, standing topless, holding her toddler baby. The protest doesn't seem to have received much attention.

“I just want my children to live in free democratic state,” Grishay said.

She also revealed that her next step is to appeal to the European Court of Human Rights."

Source: ... 17418.html

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Re: Current situation of porn production in Russia

Post by poluxplop007 »

Hope this situation don't impact to much this industry, because with piracy she don't need that :?
This is the place for Porn Teen Girl !

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Re: Current situation of porn production in Russia

Post by jallyjames »

Yea, I conversed to him about it. He just didn't recognize it distressed me. We've watched porn simultaneously too, but I absolutely don't like him doing what he did last evening. Thanks......

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Re: Current situation of porn production in Russia

Post by DuffMan »

How's the current situation in Russia? I read brazzers is shooting a lot over there these days.

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Re: Current situation of porn production in Russia

Post by watchrussian »

Perhaps after such a long time you will still be interested. In this video russian porn actor says that at this time in St. Petersburg did not make films due to the fact that there was an epidemic of syphilis in the porn industry. He just started in porn and starred in video with Lindsey Olsen and Nataly Gold (as I understand it - anal-angels, 2012-07-16, Zufia). After that, there was an outbreak of the epidemic and half a year there was almost no filming. Sorry for my bad english

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